
June 13, 2009 at 10:36 pm (Life) (, , , , , )

Rosa 'Borussia', a modern Floribunda rose
Image via Wikipedia

I totally would have thought my Saturday would have been way more interesting that it truly was today. And now I sit facing my computer screen, no ideas about what to write about, television on to my left, kid laying down to sleep on my right.  Hubbs out to play poker with some friends…. the only thing I really need is to be a stay at home mom!

So I’m thinking, who comes up with these unique ideas for game shows anyway? Currently I am watching a game show in which contestants are stuck in a booth and are given a theme, and the people need to name the most words or phrases that relate to that particular theme. Wow. I should really consider going on a game show.. maybe “The Price Is Right” or something alike… I have actually had a few family member appear on game shows! (They were “The Love Connection” [seriously!], “Win, Lose, or Draw”, & “The Weakest Link”, he he) Yeah, I’m thinking I could totally use $10,000 or a trip to Puerto Rico, sounds pretty good to me!

Anyway, besides making lists or some nifty linkage, I decided that my theme for this wonderful Saturday night would be a survey.

In 5 words or less, My Ideal…..

Appetizers: Spinach and Artichoke Dip (YUM!)

Beach: Dana Point

Date: seafood dinner by the ocean

Outfit: Dark jeans, flowy yellow top

game show: trivia fanatic!

“Deal Or No Deal” suitcase pick: 21

Dream House: one story only, rose garden

Adult Beverage: Pina Colada

Movie genre: romantic comedy

Reality tv show to compete on: Project Runway

Pizza: Pizza Hut, pepperoni and pepper!

Medical type occupation to have: Optometrist

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